Silver Spur Trade Shows is proud to build on last year's success in sharing great speakers with our attendees at the 2019 Midland Great Outdoors Expo! We've worked hard to bring a diverse and interesting slate of speakers and events to this year's show. It is our hope that beyond having a lot of fun at our expo, you might leave knowing some helpful new information for your next outdoor excursion.
This page will be updated periodically with our latest additions, so please check back often! If you or someone you know would like to share specialized outdoor knowledge as a future Expo speaker, please contact us!
Download our Entertainment Schedule
Who needs to take Hunter Education?
Hunter Education Course will be Saturday 10 - 5, March 23rd, 2019
Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, must successfully complete hunter education. Minimum age for certification is 9 years and cost is $15.
If you were born on or after September 2, 1971 and you are:
- under 9 years of age, you must be accompanied*.
- age 9 through 16, you must successfully complete hunter education, OR you must be accompanied.
- age 17 and over, you must successfully complete hunter education; OR purchase a “Hunter Education Deferral,” and you must be accompanied.
2019 TGR Scoring System
This year we will be scoring with the TGR scoring system and we will score all animals, including but not limited to:
- Whitetail
- Hogs
- Exotics
- Elk
- Red Deer
- African
- And Others
Every entry will receive a FREE score sheet and gift.
Top 3 scores receive $25 Cabela's Gift cards.
Top 2 youth scores receive $15 Cabela's Gift cards.
FREE Drawing on Sunday for great prizes for every entry.
2019 TGR Scoring Sponsors
Frank Addington, Jr. – "The Aspirin Buster"
Frank Addington, Jr. aka "the Aspirin Buster" is coming to the Great Outdoors Expo! Audiences will be amazed at Addington's "bow and arrow razzle dazzle" with his Hoyt recurve bow. See an amazing archery demonstration including multiple arrows, multiple targets, and various sized targets shot from mid air—with the bow behind his back! The highlight of Addington's show is a baby aspirin shot from mid air! See why Rock and Roll legend Ted Nugent called Addington, "the master". See him on his first ever appearance in Midland at the Great Outdoor Expo—seeing is believing, see you at the show!
Visit Frank Addington's website for more info.
Times: Saturday: 12pm & 3pm
Sunday: 11:30am & 2:30pm -
Jason Reynolds - Fetch n' Fish Promotions
Professional guide and outfitter Jason Reynolds will be sharing his outstanding dog show, fishing demonstrations & seminars!
See Jason in action!
Fetch N' Fish Times: Saturday: 1pm & 4pm
Sunday: 3:30pmFishing Seminar/Demo Times: Saturday: 11:00am
Sunday: 12:30pm -
Joe Martin - Snakes of Texas
Joe Martin's snake show is about more than just shock value. The Duo of Mr. Martin and his girlfriend Sherilyn Gembler want to educate the public about snakes and let them know how to stay safe around them. They want to teach you how to distinguish between the poisonous coral snake and the non-poisonous milk snake, which have a similar coloration.
WOW - World's Outstanding Whitetails
A stunning, awesome collection of sixteen of the largest Whitetail Deer ever on display!
Free exotic scoring, free entry form on all animals that make the book. Top animals in all classes win a 2018 framed certificate - Bring in your mount to be scored for FREE!